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Psychologists / Mental health professional



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Jei turite kitų įgūdžių, kuriuos norite panaudoti ar tobulinti, ir nuoširdžiai domitės emocine gerove, praneškite mums!

Artimiausiu metu plėsime savo komandą ir visada ieškome bendraminčių!



We are genuinely passionate about our work of supporting people on their EQ training journey to achieve significant results in their personal and professional lives. How often do we hear about burnout or lack of emotional awareness/resilience of employees, turning into constant conflicts or destructive behaviors? Can we help our clients with this? We believe we can.

From our anonymous data, we see that after six weeks of EQ training – constructive behavior responses to emotions increased by 10%.

Norėtum prisijungti ir dirbti su mumis?

We are a team of professionals who treat each other with respect. And we are not afraid of challenges because we not only train others to train their EQ at the workplace, but we do it ourselves. Thanks to that, we successfully grow Mindletic, continuously growing ourselves.

Ar įsivaizduoji save vienoje iš šių pozicijų? Ar norėtum tapti mūsų komandos dalimi?

Various topics, different perspectives, how can we shape our knowledge to improve our EQ, well-being ir be successful ir self-actualized in our personal and professional lives. Based on science-backed research, we share the information that we find relevant and valuable for mental and emotional growth.

Prenumeruok mūsų naujienlaiškį ir gauk su psichikos sveikata susijusį turinį.