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Mindletic events Amber Cowburn

Do you struggle to find a balance between being productive and maintaining your well-being without succumbing to burnout?

If the answer is yes, then you’re not alone. According to the results of a 2022 McKinsey survey, burnout affects approximately a quarter of all employees. While extremely common, this condition can lead to serious emotional and physical consequences, such as depression, anxiety, and cardiovascular diseases. That’s why we’d like to invite you to our March event where we’ll discuss how you can remain productive while simultaneously protecting your health.

Date & Time: March 19’th, 11:00 EEST
Duration: 45min
Language: ENG
Location: Youtube live (link will be sent to those registered)

To secure your spot, register now on the Mindletic app.

About Amber 🔉:

Amber Cowburn is an award-winning advisor in workplace wellbeing, and currently the Head of Global Wellbeing for the British Council. She is a two-time TEDx speaker, a recipient of awards including accolades by the British Royal Family, the UK Government and Rotary International, and has addressed prestigious organisations such as Cambridge University, UNICEF and global summits for mental health. Her career has included independently training 3000+ businesspeople globally, managing a parliamentary campaign for mental health, and rolling out an innovative university mental health strategy for 35,000 students and 4000 staff. Amber is delighted to have recently joined the British Council, to oversee their global wellbeing strategy and provision.